March 2023 Newsletter

JoinIn – adding a 2nd email contact and updating emergency contact details You can now update your contact details in Love Admin so that when we send out emails it goes to more than one email address. Details on how to do this can be found here: If anyone needs any help you can email…
Onesie week Onesie week is running 2nd-8th December. Children are allowed to come in wearing onesies or pyjamas (with leotard underneath). We ask that you send in a tombola donation or chocolate/alcohol we can use in a hamper for the raffle. As it’s also assessment week, pyjamas or onesies without a hood are preferable so…
Easter weekend closure – gym will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday (29th March and 1st April) ‘Paris comes to Penketh’ competition Our annual club competition for all levels is taking place on the weekend of 20/21 April. Booking is now open and entries close on 17th March. We will not be able to…
Easter weekend closure – gym will be closed on Easter Monday (1st April) ‘Paris Comes to Penketh’ competition Our competition is taking place on 20/21 April. You should have had the email with all information but if you have any further questions, please let us know. We have a sign up sheet in the gym…
Vault Into Christmas Competition Booking has now closed for our Vault Into Christmas competition. We will be arranging the groups and rounds and let you know times and additional spectator ticket availability as soon as we can. We cannot accept any late entries. Routine sheets and videos are now on our Facebook group. Anti-Bullying Week…